Equine Sports Council
Sanctioning Network

ESC Enriched Content Funds Education, Animal Welfare Management & Drug Testing

ESC leadership recently traveled to Washington DC to meet with US lawmakers, USDA and the Federal Trade Commission in an effort to establish ongoing relationships and pathways that if successful will help to ensure growth in our show horse industry for the Trotting Breeds.

Industry consultants, lobbying experts and media professionals were obtained by ESC through private funding and outside donations which were key in our success. Educational materials including print and digital were made available to lawmakers and agencies such as USDA and the FTC. Some of the materials can be viewed through TrottingBreeds.org

ESC recently approved the organization of their non-profit Foundation for Educational, Animal Welfare Management and Equine Drug Testing for shows within the ESC Network. Enhance Content Subscriptions have been established to provide funding avenues going forward. As the ESC Foundation formalizes we hope you will consider supporting our efforts by purchasing enhanced content. In the near future IRS donations will be accepted. Contact us for more information at Info@EquineSportsCouncil.org

ESC Enriched Content will be made available to those registered as subscribers and logged in can then purchase access to Enriched Content which will help to fund operations for Educational, Welfare, Research and Development objectives undertaken by the ESC Corporation. This ESC enriched content includes complete access to the ESC Officials Registry underwritten by a $12 Million masters liability policy from the National Association Sports Officials, Pony Measurement data, Officials Licensing information gathered from public governance information. Social Media access to ESC Amateur, Professional and Show Official private discussion groups for sharing of best practices. Also available under the enriched content is the complete ESC Drug Database access with online searching abilities, industry administration guidelines and withdraw time best practices made available from Olympic, International Racing and Federal Trade Commission bodies.

ESC Enriched ContentEnriched Content | Login | Logoff
ESC Officials Roster AccessESC Suspensions
ESC Pony CardsESC Instructor Private FB Group
Public Pony DataESC Show Official Private FB Group
Public Official Licensing DataESC Amateur Private FB Group
ESC Drug Database Full Access
Complete Drug Database Search
Olympic, International Racing &
Federal Trade Commission Standards
Available Industry Withdraw Times
ESC Sports Concepts
By Breed & Division
Class & Judging Specs
ASB, Hackney, Roadster, Morgan, Equitation
Monarch, Hunter Jumper, Friesian